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Exploring an extreme wealth line
Source: New Economics Foundation | By Fernanda Balata and Hollie Wright
It has long been accepted that there is a line beneath which people have too little to thrive or survive. In a period defined by rapidly growing wealth inequities, there is increasing discussion about whether we should also be asking how much is too much.

8 O'Clock Buzz - Wednesday
Source: wort | By 8 O'Clock Buzz
Check us out on the 8 O'Clock Buzz segment from Wednesday, December 11. Gabriela discusses our latest tax policy polling report. The interview begins at minute 34.

Extensive Polls Find Americans Support Taxing the Wealthy
Source: Counter Punch | By Hibba Meraay
The excessively wealthy and greedy corporations have rigged the rules. Our economic system allows a select few to accumulate enormous personal wealth while the rest of us are left to fend for ourselves.

Let’s Go to the Polling
Source: Politico Pro | By Bernie Becker
Progressives have been saying for years that voters are on their side on taxes—and leading Democrats certainly have learned in more in proposing higher taxes on the rich and corporations in recent elections.

New Report: Extensive Polls Find Americans Support Taxing the Wealthy
WASHINGTON, DC– Poll after poll shows the majority of Americans support taxing the rich, according to a new report from the Excessive Wealth Disorder Institute.

What does an actual elite have to say?
Source: Civic Media | By The Maggie Daun Show
As a Harvard, Stanford, McKinsey, and Silicon Valley alumnae, Maggie's guest, Scott Ellis’ bio reads like a who’s who of America’s elite institutions, but this seemingly prototypical (very) rich white man says that we are thinking about wealth all wrong...

Michelle Obama: Yes, We Have Affirmative Action for the Wealthy
Source: Mother Jones | By Michael Mechanic
It’s fair to say that Michelle Obama stole the show at the Democratic Convention on Tuesday. (Husband Barack was on point in noting how hard an act she was to follow.)

Taxation, wealth inequality & philanthropic collusion
Source: Alliance | By Gabriela Sandoval and Rajasvini Bhansali
There is no denying that financial wealth disparities in the US have reached obscene proportions. The total wealth of households with more than $50 million in assets–the wealthiest 0.1 per cent, approximately–has exceeded $30 trillion.

The Growing Thirst for Reform in Philanthropy
Source: Nonprofit Quarterly | Rebekah Barber
A growing number of philanthropists and organizations are raising awareness about the need to address excessive wealth in philanthropy.

These Donors Are Revolting Against the “Charity Lobby” to Push Sweeping Philanthropic Reform
Source: Inside Philanthropy | By Dawn Wolfe
EWDi’s Fixing Philanthropy Summit is featured as part of the ongoing efforts to move the needle on charitable giving reform.

Should governments tax the great boomer wealth transfer?
Source: The Financial Times
As recently as 1976, the US estate tax applied to more than 7% of all descendants at a top rate of 70% By 2019, that had shrunk to just 0.07% of descendants, a level that allows for the concentration of wealth in very few hands.

‘Excessive wealth disorder’: Should the ultra-rich pay more to help solve America’s problems?
Source: San Bernardino Sun | By Ethan Baron
There’s no reason our communities should be struggling right now. By taxing the wealthy...we get our democracy back and we get a clear pathway to thriving communities.

Student Debt Forgiveness Is a Win-Win for Our Country
Source: Inequality.org | By Gabriela Sandoval
The Supreme Court is gearing up to weigh in on the ongoing student loan debt debate prompted by President Joe Biden’s sweeping debt cancellation plan that would help over 35 million Americans.

Want to Fix America's Debt Problem? Tax the Wealthy
Source: Newsweek | By Gabriela Sandoval
Millions of Americans are one paycheck away from complete catastrophe. When I worked as a consumer advocate, I saw this first-hand when talking with people struggling to keep their lights on.

Global Newsletter
Source: Morning Consult | By Matthew Kendrick
Good morning and Ramadan Mubarak to those observing. This week coincided with another major holiday in part of the Islamic world, Nowruz, which is celebrated in Iran, Afghanistan and much of Central Asia.

Faces on the Frontlines Newsletter
Source: Inequality.org | By Rebekah Entralgo
Amid-pandemic survey from Pew found that 55 percent of Americans have no opinion on whether billionaires – whose wealth doubled during the pandemic – are good or bad for the United States.

When the Rich Profit…The Poor Starve
Source: The Thom Hartmann Program | By Thom Hartmann
Have you heard of ‘Excessive Wealth Disorder’? It could be fatal for the poor if the rich can’t be cured.
Gabriela Sandoval is working on this are other related needs and joined Thom today to discuss what needs to be done, and why.

Excessive Wealth Disorder: New Think Tank Will Focus on TaxReform and Holding the Ultra-Rich Accountable
San Francisco, CA – Today, the Excessive Wealth Disorder Institute (EWDi) — a think tank committed to creating a more balanced distribution of wealth in the United States by elevating policy solutions focused on curbing the excessive wealth of the nation’s richest individuals.

Excessive Wealth Is a “Disorder” That Some 1 Percenters Want to Cure
Source: Mother Jones | By Michael Mechanic
Excessive Wealth Disorder Institute will lift up the excessive wealth problems, challenge so-called meritocracy, and explore what it means to have ‘enough,’ so that we move toward an economy built on shared prosperity and racial justice.

New Excessive Wealth Disorder Institute to Tackle the Social, Economic, and Political Threats Posed by Multi-Millionaires and Billionaires
EWDi Will Support Research, Conduct Educational Outreach, and Drive Cultural Narrative Change to Highlight the Urgent Need for Tax Policy Solutions and Other Changes in America The Excessive Wealth Disorder Institute (EWDi) launched today with a unique focus.